Here at RaiseNow, we’ve spent the last few months making some big changes, and now we can finally share them with you. Find out more below!
Here at RaiseNow, we’ve spent the last few months making some big changes to help you fundraise with more ease and efficiency than ever before. We’ve enriched our all-in-one platform thanks to continuous product improvements and our merger with Atlruja. With so much change and growth happening at RaiseNow, it was time for this evolution to also be reflected in our external image. So we took a step back, dug deep into our company philosophy, relived our journey over the years, and finetuned our next steps — and found that the changes that came out of the process were much deeper than cosmetic.
We’ve identified a new vision to guide our future improvements to our products, and are thrilled to finally be able to share it with you. We’re proud to present a clear direction for our future development which has our customers at its very heart.
We’ve grown a lot since we were founded in 2015, with over 4,000 international customers that now use our technology daily. Our perspective has shifted and grown too, and in 2020 we reached another huge milestone with Altruja joining the RaiseNow family. Joining forces has made us a bigger and stronger team that knows the fundraising industry inside out.
“By bringing together Altruja’s community and social platform with RaiseNow’s expertise, we’ll be better placed to help great causes reach more people and raise more money — more effectively and intelligently than ever before.”
Stefan Grothkopp, CTO and Cofounder of Altruja
We’ve seen so many journeys over the years. From customers breaking donation records with our tech, to seeing them try out online fundraising for the first time, and later discovering new channels as they grow. Our rebrand unites the knowledge and insights we’ve gained along the way with a more efficient and consistent user experience, and in turn more successful donation campaigns. It also brings us closer to our vision and mission. A new look reflects our progress so far and paves the way for continued growth alongside our customers in the future.
Our vision and mission relate closely to the injustice that continues to prevail in the world. Global health threats, more frequent and intense natural disasters, violent extremism, and related humanitarian crises are a source of major concern. We are also, however, living in a time of immense opportunity. Significant progress has been made by people who are eager to drive change. In times where technology has a profound effect on how we live and think, when placed in the right hands it has great potential to accelerate human progress and address world issues. And this is what motivates us to provide our customers with the best tools to drive change.
We recognize how we can contribute to changing the status quo, and are committed to enabling and inspiring our customers who fight to do this every day.
We want to create something truly outstanding that meets our customers’ needs and has a positive impact on the causes they’re working to address. That’s why we’re here: we exist to be a torchbearer for changemakers, lighting their journeys and helping to initiate change through technology.
Our mission is to leverage tomorrow’s technology to enable changemakers today. And the vision we hope to achieve by working on this mission? A just world for all. One where each individual has equal access to essential resources, education and freedom. A world where all life can thrive. A world free of fear and violence. A world where habitats are safe, resilient and sustainable, and where the natural environment is valued and protected. A just, tolerant and socially inclusive world in which the needs of the most vulnerable are met. And how will we work to achieve this vision? Our diverse and skillful team will build innovative solutions to solve real-world problems.
Our new visual identity embodies our vision and mission, and is a symbol of where we are and where we’re headed on our journey of enabling changemakers to do good in the world.
We hope you’re enjoying seeing the new logo, fresh colors and illustration style on our new website! Over the next few months, you’ll start to see our new branding reflected across all our touchpoints and products, including RaiseNow Manager and RaiseNow Hub. This is all part of our plan to create a consistent product ecosystem for our customers and partners, where all fundraising needs are efficiently met by an all-in-one platform.
Our brand story evokes an optimistic and new beginning. It was important for us that it truly embodied our vision and values, and signified a dynamic and united future. It also needed to represent our team: the combined power of two knowledgeable teams spread out across the globe from Zurich to Berlin, Munich, Egypt, Ukraine, Colombia and beyond. And what could signify this better than a brilliant sunrise?
"As our story evolves, so does our brand. At RaiseNow, we are constantly inspired by changemakers who take on and address real-world issues. They can be organizations that start movements or individuals who participate in them. This new branding reflects our bold promise to innovate and serve as an ally to these changemakers. The change symbolizes our commitment to continually evolve to help nonprofit organizations and movements connect with supporters in a world that is changing rapidly. Our new brand guidelines embed the team's principles and values into every communication piece and touchpoint. We’ve captured the optimism and positivity for the future in our new brand: We have work ahead of us, but it's going to be a good day."
Marco Zaugg, Founder and CEO of RaiseNow
So how did our new logo come about? We started simple, playing around with the letter ‘R’ and the circular shape of our first logo in order to stay true to our roots. We wanted to make sure it truly reflected our team and customers, so we sought to evoke optimism and possibility, as well as playing around with more organic shapes and natural forms. We went through several months of research, analysis, design development, and iteration before cementing this idea.
During the design process, we invested a lot of time into how we could tie together our fusion with Altruja as well as our new vision in one logo. Then one morning Cindy, our Art Director, saw a stunning, bold sunrise and took a photo — and with that, the concept behind our new logo and color palette was born: A new beginning, new hopes, and new possibilities — it’s a simple concept that inspires optimism and positivity for the dawn of a new era.
Our new logo combines fresh typography with a traditional look that maintains a link with our old logo. The colors we chose have a strong link to nature, but they’re also playful enough to show that we can have fun without neglecting our tech-driven side. They appeal to any gender and also evoke the ecological and societal causes that we support. They’re also a nod to the current Altruja logo with its burning torch. If we were a torch before, we’ve now evolved into a sunrise — and a sunrise perfectly represents how RaiseNow has been shaped by these changes: new opportunities, new potential, new forces.
This rebrand has changed more than just our external appearance. We’ve taken the opportunity to define the path we want to take and are grateful to be undertaking this journey together with you. It brings us closer to attaining our goal of making your fundraising experience easier and more efficient than ever before, and making the world a better place along the way.
RaiseNow and Altruja, a leading and popular provider of online fundraising ...
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